Cantece Engleza


A sweet Tuxedo girl you see, Queen of swell society, Fond of fun as fond can be, When it's on…


In the grasses of our meadow, There's an impish goblin hid; He's a tedious little fellow, Always calling, ever calling,…

Yellow Rose of Texas

There's a yellow rose in Texas I'm goin' back to see No other cowboy loves her Half as much as…

Good Night, Sleep Tight

Good night, sleep tight, Don’t let the bedbugs bite Wake up bright In the morning light To do what’s right…

Jack-O-Lanterns We!

See us fiercely stare at you, Flash our eyes of fiery hue; Jack-o-lanterns we! Our mouths are grinning widely so,…

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me! This I know, For the Bible tells me so; Little ones to Him belong, They are weak…

There Was a Man and He Was Mad

There was a man and he was mad, And he jumped into a pudding bag. The pudding bag it was…

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses And all the king's…

I Love Daddy

When Daddy comes, I run to see Just what Daddy has brought for me I give him a kiss and…

Miss Lucy

Miss Lucy had a baby She named him Tiny Tim She put him in the bath tub To see if…

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